No-one likes it when someone whines on Facebook about their life's woes. Yep, it's sad when a pet dies, people on trains are annoying, and why do you want him back if he slept with your sister? But increasingly people are using Facebook to whine about people who whine on Facebook. It's a vicious and hypocritical circle.
The same is true for burger reviews. No-one reviews burgers anymore, they just moan about those who do. There are a lot of burgers out there though, and when you've eaten two in a single day, there isn't a lot else you can write about. So, I'll continue and ignore the idiot who wrote:
What a tool.
With Shake Shack at it's heart, MEATmarket on it's edge, Five Guys a stones throw, and more than 28 Byrons within a five minute walk, Covent Garden could make a claim to be the burger centre of London. In my ignorance, I wouldn't have included Joe Allen in that list - until now. Not to be found on the menu, Joe Allen offers a burger that rivals all of the aforementioned. Cheese, bacon, a large slice of tomato, this is a handful of a burger that feels like an act of rebellion to eat when surrounded by crisp white tablecloths, waiters in suits, and glasses for wine - honestly, glasses for wine. I had to restrain myself from painting the tablecloth Variety 57 red with the ketchup and meat juice dribble on my hands.